Cash Flow Calculator
  Cash Flow Frequency
Inital 0  
Nominal Rate:

Net Present Value:

Net Future Value

 The Cash flow calculator can be used to perform Time Value of Money calculations on a cash flow stream. The calculator works similarly to the Cash Flow functions of the Texas Instruments BA II Plus calculator.

  1. Cash Flow Field - Enter the cash flow which occurs at time 0 in this field.
  2. Cash Flow Field - Enter the cash flow which occurs at time 1 in this field. Enter the number of times periods in which the cash flow occurs in succession in the field directly to the right. If the cash flow only occurs once, enter 1 in the field directly to the right. The next distinct cash flow and its frequency are entered in the following row.
  3. Nominal Rate Field - The nominal interest rate or APR should be entered in this field in percentage form, i.e., 10 for 10%. You should not type the "%" sign.
  4. Compounding - Use the popup to select the compounding frequency of the nominal interest rate. For example, if monthly compounding is selected then each period in the cash flow table corresponds to a month.
  5. Present Value - The Present Value of the cash flow stream. The Present Value is calculated every time that the return/enter or tab keys are pressed. It is also calculated when the compounding period for the interest rate is changed (see below).
  6. Future Value When Field - The value entered in this field determines the period at which the Future Value is calculated.
  7. Future Value - The Future Value of the cash flow stream. The Future Value is calculated each time that the Present Value is calculated (see above).
  8. Buttons - Click the Calculate button to perform the calculation. To clear the calulator, click the Clear button.
© 2002 - 2019 by Mark A. Lane, Ph.D.